Yu Zhang workshop_ADAF2021_image 01

Data Visualization and Narratives (2021)

a short workshop on data, narrative, and interaction as part of the ADAF festival 2021
Sunday, 03 October, 2021, 15:00-17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)

Data is becoming an essential component to the artists’ or designers’ practice. To achieve sense-making of data in art/design practice, the ways of gathering data, comprising data, analyzing data, and presenting data matter. It urges practitioners to divert more attention toward the sense-making of data and the transformation between the data and its visualization. This two-hour workshop ‘Data Visualization and Narratives’ for ADAF is about both data sense-making and makes use of the Processing language and coding environment, and it enables participants to catch up and increase understanding of data and allow participants to (re-)discover their creativity and connect it to data visualization and coding techniques.

In this workshop, the participants will create high-quality visuals with three examples that contain self-collected data, online data source, and interactivity. Data in these examples are not only artifacts of making, but also are presentable achievements. The different types of data used in this workshop – participants’ personal data, self-collected animal activity data, and Alibaba stock data (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BABA?p=BABA&.tsrc=fin-srch) – support participants in getting successful and achieving results that are closely relevant to different meaning behind. Besides, this workshop is not just about transcending knowledge and expert skills of either data techniques or coding techniques. In this workshop, data is used as an expressive and explorative tool, and also data is playing the role of a storyteller. For our participants, finishing this workshop can help gain new perspectives of what one can achieve with data, code, and narratives.