a short workshop on coding art as part of the ADAF festival 2022
Friday, 27 May, 2022, 19:00-21:00 at the 4th floor of the notoshome building

In 2021, we published the book ‘Coding Art’ to share experiences and useful steps around creative coding with a primarily non-technical audience: designers, artists, musicians and other creatives who deserve a very different approach to creative coding that what was available so far. This workshop integrates “creative thinking” and “computational thinking” that leverage creatives’ prior design/art expertise, and bring the new ideas from their future practice. In this workshop, we follow a creative process from ideation to making and refining, and help participants make their first steps in Processing – a creative coding environment. Throughout this workshop, participants will experience hands-on how visual elements, dynamics, and audio-visual interaction are coming together. At the end, they can share their insights and feedbacks with each other.

Seven code examples featured in this workshop can be found: https://codingart-book.com/workshops/2022adaf.html