

This project Pattern of Lost is the part of SYMPOSIUM PICTUM at UM UM Festival 2018 which takes place from August 4th till August 21st, 2018 in Stará Ľubovňa in the northeast of Slovakia. For two weeks, a project related to the context is created and exhibited within the program of the festival.  Audiences through seeing, listening, and interacting with tangible objects are led to generate an understanding of underlying meaning as they complete their own perception of what these objects and their movements and audio actually present and mean.

technology support: Mathias Funk; actor: Miroljuba Ivelin Petrova; voice: Marina Provatidou and Arie Rommers; supported by SYMPOSIUM PICTUM in the frame of UM UM Festival.

Related link: http://krith.phil.muni.cz/experiment/um-um-2018-rozhovor-s-martinem-jakubcem-a-adamem-vrbkou

Demo video.

Exhibition view.